Disclaimer: Any names, emailids mentioned below are fictional and the
resemblence is mere coincidence ;)
Off late with some considerable amount of time on hand, when I get forwards
that offers nothing new in them and in most probablitlity its the same fwd
I got in 2002, 2004-jun, 2004-dec, 2005...and now again, so these days,
time is spent reading emailids than the fwds themselves, i.e, to who all is this mail fwded to ...then keep searching for familiar names, long lost friends etc etc. Then shoot a mail to one of those long lost ones and tell them long stories about how I rang them umpteen times and never got a response ...you never pick up....oh how
mean of you ...oh is 98324324 not your number? ... thatz not even 9
digits...oh sorry .....and so on.
While this is on, I started reflecting on the art of email creation on
various sites which was evident in the mailids present on the fwd list.
Most times the best emailids like your fullname, name_surname are all taken
and the suggestions they give you are with some random number looks even
more pathetic. I believe ...
According to me, the most boring people create email ids using their first & last names like e.g sunitathomas, komala_priya_krish_anand_viswanathan(I
dont know if that length is possible)
Some geeks who play the 'I am not plain jane' try NOT to give away everything but still maintain the identity hidden like and_math(something to do with and gates & maths) or ro_jo(the one who cries) from which its very difficult to know what exactly is the name.
The creative group gets their kick by adding adjectives, verbs,birth dates
to their names like lazyjames, sexysam, smirkykap, amitatwork, rysaindian, nyve1214 or aminuk or imfun or blackrioruzy or even the self-imposing iamurfriend@xyz.com. Therez also the ones which can make a conversation difficult like
A: I will write to you, Your email id?
B: mailarvind@xyz.com
A: ok, got it, arvind@xyz.com right?
B: No, mailarvind@xyz.com
A: yeah yeah I will mail you
A: That was fun, how about I mail you next time
B: sure, writetome@abc.com
A: ok, abc? what site is that?anyway, ur email id?
B: writetome
A: yeah but your id
B: writetome
A: you mean snail mail?
B: who snail?
and so on
Then there is the 'I am single, ready to mingle' groups, the ones who do not want to give away anything in their emailid, generally used for bride/groom search or for chatroom searches, some samples of these could be bridesearch, f22delhi,
catchmeifyoucan and I am sure there are more entertaining ones as well
There is also the lovey-dovey emailids, the Iandmy wife or Iandmyhubby email-ids. A couple of years back, ok maybe a decade back(pretty old now..cough..cough) I also thought it was very cute but not any more. Recently I happened to see a mail from one of my ex-boses as "Sunil & Priya" where the email id still is sunil@xyz.com. This Sunil & Priya should be in their early 50's if not late and now I know there are quite of few of you who while reading this are thinking,oh, how chweeeeeeeet and are already dreaming about you having an emailid with your spouse's name as if thatz an exotic get-away in the maldives. At the risk of sounding unromanctic & insensitive, I see a few good reason why people have these ids, One (totally beaten), Guys, my spouse knows my password, Secondly, yelling out aloud, guys this is accessible to my spouse so pls dont send prohibitable content here and the day the password has been changed go change your name back to "SunilOnly" or create a new mailid and send it around.
This could be taken to a new level and make your email ids your name
plates, write to Mr&MrsSinha@xyz.com or take it an another step further
Mr&MrsSinha@2sukhwanicamppune.com ..uh so should i snail mail or email or
throw mail
Would be very unkind if I dont mention the "you half and half me" here.
They are they ones who will cut names of spouses & self into halves and put them togather. Now, this concept was totally driven by the malayalis of Kerala where they name their child in that manner pitilessly.A classic example would be of a girl named shitty bcoz her mom was shija and dad Itty(yeah, thatz a christian name) and obviously they didnt know what shitty meant too.
All said and done, in my opinion your emailid gives a sneak preview into your personality.
nice post :)
BTW your disclaimer was Disclaimer :Any names, emailids mentioned below are fictional and the resemblence is mere coincidence ...WHaat a coincidence i could find 4-5 names resembling to folks i know :)
i must be the most (one of the?) boring person on the planet :D
@risha: Whaaaat a co-incidence
@biju: just like me :)
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