Tuesday, November 07, 2006

PWD v/s Rains in Pune

The weather in the last couple of days in Pune can be best compared to that of UK. The day starts with a very sunny morning, sweating afternoons, windy evenings and rainy nights. Yes its pouring here in Pune for the last 3 days and pouring hard.
Of the many things thatz falling apart, its the Roads that the PCMC has just started to repair/build.
I pity the PWD because they waited this long to begin with, which I am assuming is to be 200% sure that the rains are over. In the past because of public protests they did start work only to be outdone by the immediate rains and the roads would be all potholed all over again and only worse this time with the gravel all over the place. It was attracting all the
bad publicity possible for the Shoddy work. They waited long enough but the rains dont seem to be in a mood to oblige and nor are puneries in a mood to accept any shoddy work anymore.


GS said...

Hi Sunita,
I subscribed to your feed.But unfortunately, able to see only the Titles of your posts...can you please make changes so that I see your post as well?

GS said...

I can't believe you said 'pity the PWD'!Why?!If they did their job right...we shouldnt be seeing potholes in the first place!