Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am Loving it

Things I love about myself

Monika has tagged me to brag about 5 things I love about myself. That I would have to say would be

1) I love that I am independent & confident.
I love the fact that I am independent and can take my own decisions. I always know what I want and I am pretty sure of myself. I have it in me to get out of difficult situations and start at the beginning if required. I am a born survivor.

2) I am adventurous. If I have good company, I can go any length and indulge in anything. Sky Diving has been one of the most adventurous thing I have done till date. I just can not stop flaunting it ;)

3) I love just being happy. I love to laugh. I can find humor in daily life. I can laugh at myself comfortably and can let others laugh at me as well.

4) I love that I am an eternal optimist. I am just wired that way. My hopes of a win are pinned high untill the last ball. I believe in the phrase " And lived happily ever after", so if its not happy yet, its definitely not the end yet.

5) I am pretty easy-going. I am an absolutely non-fussy person and that might because I am lazy to create a fuss kinds. I can just get along with anybody.

1 comment:

Monika said...

good reading urs we seem to have lot in common :)