Joyce turns ONE tomorrow. I wanted to do her birth story to coincide with her first birthday but I am not sure I will have the time.
This is just a stick note to my little one. I haven't seen your father more enthusiastic about shopping and spending than on this one occasion in the last 2 years that I have been married to him. He is all pepped up and in high spirits and has also been driving me nuts. He shopped for your dress all alone because I wouldn't let him pick what he liked(Thatz true). He fixed up the venue and just informed me because he thought I would have tossed it out (I would have). He has personally invited all. He has taken suggestions to accommodate for specials. All this JUST FOR YOU. This is not the P I knew. This is the P who is your father.
There are a few who wouldn't be able to make it tomorrow for your birthday and might not appear in the album when you flip thru them in a few years from now for all kinds of reasons, but nevertheless, they all love you A LOT.
Note to Dad: Your first grand daughter turns 1 tomorrow. Sometimes, I just can't make up my mind if we are missing you the most or are you missing out on the most.
A very happy birthday to you, Joyce! Blow the candle and hug Mom n Dad.
[With what shall we bless this child?
With a smile like light,
With eyes, large and wide,
To see every flower, animal, and bird,
And a heart to feel all that she sees]
my birthday wishes to the li'l one. :) Hope she has a blast! pics! pics!
Happy budday to u, happy budday to you, happy budday dear jooooooyce, happy budday to you. May god bless you.
Wish you the best in the world, I am sorry I would not be there, but my blessings and wishes are with you. Lots of love.
Suni : do send some pics, I am so happy for you, do feed a piece of cake to joyce on my behalf too, I'll call.
p : i wish i was there to see you like this. Congrats, you guys did prove to be good parents past 1 year :-)
I seem to have missed out on the little one's big day!Here's a belated birthday wish for cute Joyce.Looks like she is daddy's little girl:)Hope she had a great day!more pics please:)
Happy b'day to the li'l one!
@All: Many thanks for the wishes. We did have a nice little small party. The snaps are coming soon :).
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