As the Bible goes, Jesus lived for 33 years as a human being and walked this earth. Till the age of 12 he lived with his parents Mary & Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus led a normal life as his son helping his father with carpentering. Its only after this, Jesus started performing miracles or interacting with people on spiritualism. As the scripture goes, Jesus was sent to the world by the Holy Father to save the people of the world from their sins. Jesus walked the face of earth, teaching, preaching, performing miracles, loving people, showing kindness & forgiving people. You will find a lot of instances of these in the New Testament of the Bible as short stories.
Long before Jesus was crucified, he knew what awaited him. After preaching for days & months & years, spreading the word of love, sacrifice & forgiveness he knew he had very little time left. Jesus fasted & prayed for 40 days on a mountain for the people. 40 days prior to the Holy Week, Christians fast & pray. This period is called the Lent. On the Sunday prior to Easter, when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people hailed him as a king. Welcomed him into their city with palm leaves. This day is commemorated as Palm Sunday. With Palm Sunday, begins the Holy week.

On Thursday, hours before Jesus is arrested by the Roman soilders, Jesus sits down with all his disciples for Supper. This supper is the famous Last Supper or Passover Feast. It is during this supper, Jesus offers a ritual for forgiveness of sins for all who truly repent. Thursday night, Jesus is betrayed by his own disciple, Judas and is captured by the soilders. He is tortured and crucified on Friday by the same people who hailed him King on Sunday. It is called Good Friday because through his death, we believers, believe, we are saved from our sins if we repent. His blood is the cost he paid for our sins. Saturday he was buried & Sunday He rose from the tomb. His Resurrection is celebrated as Easter.
So never wish anyone a 'Happy Good Friday' but wish them a Happy Easter, because it is happy in the true sense.
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