Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally back

Its been a while since I bought my samsung galaxy s phone with the intent of being less ancient than i am and do all the jazzy stuff like facebook, twitter, linkedln & the kinds. I never got hooked to any. Infact I hadn't even checked out all the features in my new phone. Ok so I am ancient. I just got up one day last month to find myself on the other side of 35. When did i grow so old? In my head i was still my carefree self at 25.
Anyway, i just realized i can also blog using my smart phone and this is my first try. If it also lets me put up a snap then awesome - what do you say.
So lets hope i will get back to the blog world. There are just toó many good blogs out there that i cant get enough of reading and oggling at.


Lavs said...

welcome back. we guys are still around.

Anonymous said...

cool.. i was just wondering where you disappeared. did you get my b'day mail? in the middle of work today I thought I will check your blogs and it is good to see you back.
